Summer Camp!
We are excited you are interested in learning more about our summer camp offerings! Contact us today at for an interest form. Due its seasonal nature tours are not provided.
Summer School Agers are designed for those entering or exiting Kindergarten. Friends must be 5 or 6 years old. Summer camp style the days will include art and projects and more—long mid-day stretches will be spent outside for field games and picnic lunch. Open 8:00-5:30 M-F we ask that drop off occur by 9:30. Snacks will provided and parents pack a sack lunch. Designed for those big kids this program will feature lots of independence and creativity! Located at only Grant Park at 2728 NE 34th enrollment is limited with priority given to SWS Alumni families.
Parents have the option to select from 2, 3, 4, or 5 day schedules and may enroll by the month. Please email to inquire about summer rates.
Sample Schedule of the day:
8:00-9:30 Drop off and free play/art choices
9:30 Snack & Stories
9:45 Game plan
11:00-1:30 Walk to Laurelhurst School or Grant Park for field games and picnic lunch.
1:30-2:30 Quiet Choices. Open pick up time begins.
2:30 Science
3:00 Snack
3:00-5:30 Play and Art Projects until remaining pick up