Sample Schedule of the Day
Below is a sample routine of a preschool group, schedule/time varies by group and by day and location by the elements remain consistent with outdoor time, projects, free play, song circle, and rest offered daily for all ages.
Morning Schedule
7:30-8:30 – Drop-off and Mixed Age Freeplay
Children use the bathroom at school and wash hands before selecting from a variety of guided free play choices in block area, dramatic play, table manipulative, and art or sensory experience freeplay choices.
8:45 – Breakfast Transition
Children wash hands and collect their dishes for a breakfast snack. Teachers model appropriate behavior and conversation.
9:15 – Welcome Gathering
Clean up before circle time. We may see “Who’s Here?,” review Classroom Helpers, sing a Welcome Song, guess what is in the Secret Bag, talk about the day’s theme, share Thankfuls, etc.
9:30 – Choices
Children travel through the structure part of the day participating in small group centers which include the day’s art experience, project, and freeplay prompts. Friends rotate and may be on the road rug/block area, dramatic play, table manipulative, at art or sensory experiences, and more.
10:30 – Outside Time
Time for large motor activities, we are found outside rain or shine.
11:00 – Song Circle
A daily group gathering with poems, fingerplays, songs, action songs, and music or interactive stories, puppet shows, and books.
11:30 – Lunch
Children focus first on their protein based main lunch item before moving on to fruit and vegetables. Children bring lunch items from home, we are a nut free facility.
Afternoon Schedule
Pick up time is open, does not have to be known to us, and can vary by the day.
12:30 – Naproom Opens – Children all rest listening to audiobooks followed by gentle music.
2:30/45 – Nappers wake, children pack up their nap bags and utilize the bathroom. Toddlers more typically awaken at 3:00
3:10 – PM Snack
3:30 – Freeplay!
4:30 – Outside, rain or shine
5:00 – Mixed age free play as remaining friends are picked up
5:30 – Closing Time, teachers leave for day.