Prospective Kinder families
We are very excited for your interest in our Kindergarten program. This offering, housed at our Grant Park setting, and serves up to 18 friends served by a lead teacher and an assistant teacher. To be considered for enrollment children must be 5 by September 30th. Families must make a commitment for the academic school year to maintain consistency in the classroom cohort and educational experience. The goal of the program is to foster a supportive foundational learning environment for our lifelong learners. Small Wonders is a school environment that understands child development. We balance our focused teacher-directed learning with ample time spent utilizing the workshop model for creative exploration. Our Kindergarten goal is to create a structured learning environment that also invites authentic spontaneous learning and moments of discovery.
While our Kindergarten has Small Wonders influences with art, projects, and play supporting the day the classroom and structure mirrors that of a typical school age setting. Days include whole group meeting (a time for group share and collaboration), teacher instructional moments supported by teacher tech tools, and generous workshop time. We believe those who do the talking do the learning! And to best connect with all learning styles we want the Kindergarten experience to be hands-on and interactive. Below you will find just some of our curriculum supports. Our curriculum map for the year is designed to meet all the PPS goals and outcomes one would expect for an exiting Kindergartener at your neighborhood school making our grads well prepared for a first grade transition (or advanced Kinder track). Due to our low class size and low ratio we feel confident in being able to meet each child where they are and to foster their own unique skills and interests.

What is the age cutoff?
We want children to turn five by September 30th of the Fall they enroll. However, we look at each child individually. Age is only one factor we consider for enrollment.
What is the schedule?
The program runs until 5:30 with flexible
pick up between 2:30-5:30.
Instructional hours run Monday through Friday, 8:00 am – 2:30 pm.
Drop-off time is strictly enforced: 8:00-8:10
What is the kindergarten tuition?
Tuition is $1610 per month
How does enrollment work?
Enrollment begins in January. We give priority to families already enrolled in our schools. We consider a child’s age, past preschool experience, parent/guardian’s thoughts on educational steps for the next year, and desired ratio of ages and genders. When offering spots, we try to make the best decisions for both the kids and for our school. Current Small Wonders enrollment does not guarantee acceptance into this program.
Where do most kids go after?
Every family is different. For our 2022-23 graduating class every child regardless of birthdate transitioned on to Kindergarten or first grade with families electing to enroll in their neighborhood school, a specificity public school such as Japanese Immersion, Sunnyside Environmental, or Buckman Arts, or a private school in NE Portland.
Is this like another year of preschool or Pre-K?
No! The 8:00-2:30 stretch will have strong academic focus infused with teacher directed learning, whole group experiences, small workshop centers, projects, and art. Body breaks and hands on learning are a large tenant of our practices and will continue to be. The year will be directed by a curriculum map designed to align with the outcomes of neighborhood public schools and assure a smooth transition to first grade. Given the small ratio supporting instruction we anticipate a graduating class of confident competent learners.