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Frequently Asked Questions

Got questions? We've got answers! Check out our FAQ section to get a bit more information before you are able to join us on our next tour.

  • What days are you closed?
    Small Wonders follows a predictable closure schedule: 2-3 days on or near 4th of July, most Federal holidays, a winter break, and one week spring break. We provide this schedule of closures to families the January prior to the new school year. We do not have early outs or late starts. We do not automatically close for PPS snow days--extreme weather, road closures, or building concerns may prompt closure which would be communicated with our families.
  • Do you offer tours? Are tours required? Can I come observe?
    Prior to receiving an enrollment offer families must participate in a group tour. On the tour interested families are given an overview of our philosophy, educational methods and a complete tour of our facility by our admin team. To join an upcoming tour date please email enrollment! We do not offer separate in person tour times or host classroom observations--our teachers' attention must be on the children and for the integrity of their day disruptions limited. We field this question so frequently that it would be neither practical nor safe to allow unknown individuals to sit in on our class time as part of their decision process.
  • Do you serve meals?
    Small Wonders serves a snack at 8:45 and an afternoon snack served at 3:15. These meals are vegetarian and nut-free. Please note that parents provide a sack (ready to eat/nutfree) lunch. We do not have commercial kitchens. We have found a parent selected lunch will better meet each child’s dietary preferences, needs and restrictions.
  • What is your potty training policy?
    Toddler children (36 months and under at start date) are not required to be potty trained prior to enrollment at Small Wonders. Parents must provide diapers and wipes as applicable. Our staff will happily support you in the potty training process. Contact us for more information about our potty training tips! Children enrolling in the mixed-age preschool classrooms must be potty trained and wearing underwear. Children having reoccurring daily accidents or those unable to use the bathroom independently are not potty trained. To best meet our ratios and the standards set by our Health and Sanitation inspector our preschool potty training requirement is firm.
  • What is your class size and age groups?
    The capacity for Hollywood is 100. The capacity for Grant Park 110. Upon enrollment your child is enrolled into one of the following specific core classroom based on age (as related to Kindergarten year) and schedule availability: The toddler classrooms serves core groups of ten children daily 24 months to turning 3. The State staffing ratio for toddlers is 1:5. Children transition to a mixed age preschool classroom when 1) they have celebrated their 3 year old birthday 2) are fully potty trained and 3) and there is availability suiting your schedule needs. Friends anticipate remaining in the toddler room 1-2 years depending on when birthdate falls (in relation to September 1st and their Kindergarten year). With availability we will see mid-year transitions.The core groups are each served by a lead teacher and assistant teacher. They are joined by a full time floating aide assuring all breaks occur in-team. As with our preschool classrooms toddler cohorts are mixed age. *Hollywood offers a young-toddler classroom serving those 18 months and older with a 1:4 ratio. Our mixed-age preschool classrooms serve 20 children each ages as young as 3 years (36 months) up until Kindergarten qualifying age. They are led by teaching team of a Lead Teacher, an Assistant teacher, and an Aide all working full time to minimize transitions and provide consistency in care, communication, and programming. The state licensing ratio is 1:10, we however maintain lower ratios for higher quality care. Friends spend approximately 2-3 years in this setting until they graduate to Kindergarten. These classrooms do have a potty training requirement. The Kindergarten program serves those age 5 with a teacher and an assistant.
  • Do you offer half day schedules?
    We do not offer half day tuition rates. Some families elect to pick their child up before rest time, as we have an open door policy and open pick up window families may come at any time without notice and it does not have to be a particular pattern.
  • What are your drop off & pick up times?
    Drop off is between 7:30-8:45. We require all friends to be dropped off prior to 8:45 as we will then be transitioning and getting ready for snack and teacher attention will be focused on the group. For appointments our cutoff arrival time is 11:00. Pick up is flexiable, it does not have to be a pattern, and it does not have to be known to us. We are always here! Friends must be exiting by 5:30 for the end of the day and building closure.
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